Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Week 2, here I come!

Here I am with week one behind me. It went great, and I'm continuing to move forward. I lost 11.8 pounds! Had a good workout at Curves today, and talked to a couple other ladies about raw while we exercised (Hi, if you're reading!). It's exciting, and it's fun to talk about.

Nothing fancy in the food department today, just yummy breakfast smoothies, a huge bunch of grapes for lunch, a small handful of raw almonds for a snack, and for dinner we just had a big salad with lots of different colors in it. Yellow bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, carrots, romaine lettuce... I threw in a few almonds, too, and topped it off with the raw Italian dressing I made earlier this week. I've been reading lots of recipes on some of the forums and blogs that I've found though, so maybe one of these days I'll actually try something more advanced!

I'm thinking about making my big "goal" for loss a body fat percentage rather than an actual weight. An ideal weight is so hard to figure out, but a body fat percentage is pretty much across-the-board. It doesn't matter if you're 5'1" or 5'9", an ideal body fat percentage is going to be the same - 18-25% for females in my age range, as best I can tell. I'm going to shoot for 23% body fat and whatever what that gets to me is fine. I'll still track my weight progress, too, but that won't be my big goal, really. At Curves earlier this month I believe my body fat percentage was around 43.5. Yikes. It was over 44% when I started going to Curves. Nearly HALF my body!!! Gross. I'll find out next week at weigh-n-measure where I am now - that'll be a once-a-month measurement, which is why I'll keep tracking the pounds lost on a weekly basis.

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