Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ooohhh I figured out my "hitting goal" reward!

Ya know how most people like to set themselves a reward for reaching their goals in weight loss? I got to thinking about it while I was at Curves this morning and I realized I know exactly what I want my reward for hitting my goal to be!

When I get to my goal of 23% body fat, I am going to have Patrice of Beautiful Life Images take our family portraits! She's in southern California, but we go down there a couple times a year to see family in the next town over. Patrice and I graduated from Academy together, and I found her photography blog earlier this year. I really love her work! She took some quick photos of my kids a few weeks ago while passing through town on their family vacation, and I can't wait to see them. But when I get to my goal, I am going to book an actual session with her for our whole family the next time we're in SoCal! Hee! I am so excited now!


Shannon said...

You should also set up some mini goals as you make your way to the big goal. Little rewards tha gradually get bigger as you get to your big goal.

kimbalaya said...

Yeah, I will. I'm kind of waiting to see next week at Curves what my body fat percent is so I can break it up into kind of evenly spaced terms. And I have to figure out what they'll be, too. LOL