Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weigh-in time

Loss/Gain this week: -4.2 lbs
Total loss on raw: 16 lbs

I also had my weigh & measure at Curves this morning. The lady who does it said "HOLY TOLEDO!" when I stepped on the scale and she saw 16 lbs gone this month. ;D

Bust: -1.75"
Waist: -1.75"
Abdomen: -0.5"
Hips: -2.0"
Thighs: -1.0"
Arm: n/c

Body Fat %: -0.3% I'm disappointed that it isn't more, but it's only been two weeks since I started eating raw. And who knows if my percentage had gone up since my last measure date - I had two weeks of still eating a Standard American Diet (SAD) between my last measure and my lifestyle change.

1 comment:

maybe strawberry said...

wow!!! i am so impressed! good job Kim to sticking to this new way of eating